Available Parts on this Vehicle
Item Number: 1000765397
Mileage: TMU : 35,000 Estimate Based on Drive Time of 35 Months
Grade: A - Used
Kind: EXPLORER 11-17 (without motor), R.
Placement: Right
Stock #: UA384
Description: Regulator & Motor
Item Number: 1000765367
Mileage: TMU : 35,000 Estimate Based on Drive Time of 35 Months
Grade: A - Used
Kind: EXPLORER 16-17 receiver, (AM-FM-CD), ID GB5T-19C107-BA thru GB5T-19C107-BG
Stock #: UA384
Description: Receiver, GB5T-19C107-BG
Item Number: 1000765366
Mileage: TMU : 35,000 Estimate Based on Drive Time of 35 Months
Grade: A - Used
Kind: EXPLORER 16-18 control panel, ID GB5T-18A802-JA thru GB5T-18A802-JD
Stock #: UA384
Description: Control Panel, GB5T-18A802-JB
Item Number: 1000765364
Mileage: TMU : 35,000 Estimate Based on Drive Time of 35 Months
Grade: A - Used
Kind: EXPLORER 17-19 front, display, 4.2`` screen, ID HB5T-18B955-GA thru HB5T-18B955-GC
Stock #: UA384
Description: 4.2in Display, HB5T-18B955-GB