Item Number: 1000835707
Mileage: TMU : 12,000 Estimate Based on 12 Month Drive Time
Grade: A - Used
Kind: Anti-lock Brake Pts; NON-INTERCHANGE ITEM
Stock #: WA456
Description: Controller = 95B 907 379 T ; Pump = 95B 614 517 T
Item Number: 1000836054
Mileage: 7859
Grade: A - Used
Kind: INFINITI QX50 19-20 (Assembly), ID 476605NY0C
Stock #: WA460
Description: 47660-5NY0C
Item Number: 1000836810
Mileage: 29947
Grade: A - Used
Kind: CIVIC 17-18 (modulator assembly), Canada market, 2.0L, turbo (Type R)
Stock #: WA467
Description: 57110-TGH-A030-M1
Item Number: 1000837169
Mileage: 32731
Grade: A - Used
Kind: Anti-lock Brake Pts; NON-INTERCHANGE ITEM
Stock #: WA375
Description: 670008166
Item Number: 1000834695
Mileage: 33293
Grade: A - Used
Kind: K5 21-23 (actuator and pump assembly), w/o automatic engine stop and start; ID 58910L3100
Stock #: WA420
Description: 58900-L3100
Item Number: 1000834765
Mileage: 3226
Grade: A - Used
Kind: ELANTRA 21 2.0L, Korea built, w/o electric parking brake
Stock #: WA440
Item Number: 1000835343
Mileage: 16400
Grade: A - Used
Kind: TUCSON 19-21 (actuator and pump assembly), w/o adaptive cruise; w/electric parking brake
Stock #: WA451
Description: 58920-D3530
Item Number: 1000835634
Mileage: 5408
Grade: A - Used
Kind: CIVIC 20 (modulator assembly), 1.5L (turbo), Coupe, MT (Si)
Stock #: WB447
Description: 57110-TBF-L130-M1
Item Number: 1000835763
Mileage: TMU : 25,000 Estimate Based on 25 Month Drive Time
Stock #: WA452
Description: 57110-TBF-L130M1
Item Number: 1000836646
Mileage: 29497
Grade: A - Used
Kind: PACIFICA 18 (assembly), gasoline, w/o adaptive cruise
Stock #: WA448
Description: 68352226AA
Item Number: 1000837381
Mileage: 6156
Grade: A - Used
Kind: K5 21-23 (actuator and pump assembly), w/o automatic engine stop and start; ID 58910L3700
Stock #: WA441
Description: 58900-L3700
Item Number: 1000766884
Mileage: 89340
Stock #: UB264
Description: 7P0 614 517 K