Item Number: 1000938155
Mileage: 5571
Grade: A - Used
Stock #: A2A002
Description: RF with Cap : Nice (17in Alloy)
Item Number: 1000838860
Mileage: 8931
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 19-21 17x7, alloy (6 Y spoke), w/o machined face
Stock #: WA422
Description: RR with Cap & Sensor : Nice
Item Number: 1000840873
Mileage: 20771
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 19-21 17x7, alloy, (6 Y spoke), painted (silver)
Stock #: XA019
Description: LF with Cap & Sensor : Nice ~ 1in Scratch
Item Number: 1000604576
Mileage: 26,073 on Odometer
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 14-18 17x4 (steel, compact spare)
Stock #: RA151
Description: T145/80 D17 Compact Spare
Item Number: 1000604577
Mileage: 26,073 on Odometer
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 14-16 17x7 (5 spoke), alloy
Stock #: RA151
Description: RR with Cap Less Sensor : 1/2 Edge Scrape
Item Number: 1000882822
Mileage: 43678
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 19-21 17x7, alloy, (6 Y spoke), painted (silver)
Stock #: YA151
Description: RR with Cap & Sensor : Light Wear
Item Number: 1000882825
Mileage: 43678
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 19-21 17x7, alloy, (6 Y spoke), painted (silver)
Stock #: YA151
Description: LR with Cap & Sensor : Nice
Item Number: 1000883396
Mileage: 31975
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 19-21 17x7, alloy, (6 Y spoke), painted (silver)
Stock #: YA158
Description: LR with Cap : Nice
Item Number: 1000883394
Mileage: 31975
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 19-21 17x7, alloy, (6 Y spoke), painted (silver)
Stock #: YA158
Description: RF with Cap : Nice ~ Light Wear ; 2 Minor Scratches
Item Number: 1000883393
Mileage: 31975
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 19-21 17x7, alloy, (6 Y spoke), painted (silver)
Stock #: YA158
Description: RR with Cap : Nice ~ Light Wear
Item Number: 1000803742
Mileage: 41815
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 19-24 17x4 (steel, compact spare)
Stock #: VA405
Description: T145/80 D17 Compact Spare
Item Number: 1000766392
Mileage: 7262
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 19-24 17x4 (steel, compact spare)
Stock #: VA030
Description: T145/80 D17 Compact Spare