Item Number: 1000940110
Mileage: 1829
Grade: A - Used
Kind: LEGACY 20-21 17x7, alloy (Wagon)
Stock #: A2A022
Description: RR with Cap : Nice
Item Number: 1000941255
Mileage: 8629
Grade: A - Used
Kind: XV CROSSTREK 24 17x7 (alloy), (5 spoke), Y spoke
Stock #: A2A044
Description: LR with Cap : Nice
Item Number: 1000941254
Mileage: 8629
Grade: A - Used
Kind: XV CROSSTREK 24 17x7 (alloy), (5 spoke), Y spoke
Stock #: A2A044
Description: LF with Cap : Nice
Item Number: 1000941253
Mileage: 8629
Grade: A - Used
Kind: XV CROSSTREK 24 17x7 (alloy), (5 spoke), Y spoke
Stock #: A2A044
Description: RF with Cap : Nice
Item Number: 1000941251
Mileage: 8629
Grade: A - Used
Kind: XV CROSSTREK 24 17x4 (steel, compact spare)
Stock #: A2A044
Description: T145/80 D17 Compact Spare
Item Number: 1000832073
Mileage: TMU : Mileage based on 17 Month Drive Time
Grade: A - Used
Kind: LEGACY 20 18x7 (alloy, Wagon), w/o machined face
Stock #: WA275
Description: Trunk with Cap & Sensor : 1/2 scuff on face
Item Number: 1000701032
Mileage: 74,463 on Odometer
Grade: A - Used
Kind: LEGACY 10-14 17x4 (spare)
Stock #: TC203
Description: T145/80 R17 Compact Spare
Item Number: 1000604576
Mileage: 26,073 on Odometer
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 14-18 17x4 (steel, compact spare)
Stock #: RA151
Description: T145/80 D17 Compact Spare
Item Number: 1000604577
Mileage: 26,073 on Odometer
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 14-16 17x7 (5 spoke), alloy
Stock #: RA151
Description: RR with Cap Less Sensor : 1/2 Edge Scrape
Item Number: 1000840873
Mileage: 20771
Grade: A - Used
Kind: FORESTER 19-21 17x7, alloy, (6 Y spoke), painted (silver)
Stock #: XA019
Description: LF with Cap & Sensor : Nice ~ 1in Scratch
Item Number: 1000841025
Mileage: 5850
Grade: A - Used
Kind: LEGACY 20-24 17x4 (steel, compact spare)
Stock #: XA024
Description: T155/70 D17 Compact Spare
Item Number: 1000922416
Mileage: 72915
Grade: C - Used
Kind: WRX 20-21 18x8-1/2 (alloy), 10 spoke (dark metallic)
Stock #: ZA243
Description: LR : CORE ~ Curb Rash