Related Part Numbers:
VOLVO S60 15-16 2.0L, VIN 49 (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO S60 17-18 (2.0L), VIN 49 (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO S60 19-21 (2.0L), VIN A2 (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO S60 19-21 (2.0L), VIN BR (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO S60 20-21 (2.0L), VIN BK (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO S60 22-23 VIN H6 (4th and 5th digit, B4204T57, supercharged and turbo), (turbo)
VOLVO S60 22 VIN BR (4th and 5th digit, B4204T28, supercharged and turbo), (turbo)
VOLVO S90 17 turbo, VIN A2 (4th and 5th digits)
VOLVO S90 18-19 turbo, w/hybrid
VOLVO S90 18 turbo, w/o hybrid; VIN 99 (4th and 5th digits)
VOLVO S90 19 turbo, w/o hybrid; VIN A2 (4th and 5th digits)
VOLVO S90 20-21 turbo
VOLVO S90 22 turbo, plug-in hybrid
VOLVO S90 23 (turbo), plug-in hybrid
VOLVO V60 16 2.0L, VIN 49 (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO V60 17-18 (2.0L), VIN 49 (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO V60 19-20 (2.0L), VIN A2 (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO V60 21 VIN A2 (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO V60 21 VIN BK (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO V90 17 turbo, (VIN A2, 4th and 5th digit)
VOLVO V90 18-21 turbo, VIN A2 (4th and 5th digits)
VOLVO XC60 15-16 2.0L, VIN 49 (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO XC60 17 VIN 49 (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO XC60 18-21 VIN A2 (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO XC60 18-22 VIN BR (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO XC60 20-22 VIN BK (4th and 5th digit), turbo
VOLVO XC60 22-24 VIN H6 (4th and 5th digit)
VOLVO XC90 16-17 turbo, VIN BC (4th and 5th digits)
VOLVO XC90 16-22 turbo, VIN A2 (4th and 5th digits)
VOLVO XC90 18-22 turbo, VIN BR (4th and 5th digits)
VOLVO XC90 22 turbo, VIN H6 (4th and 5th digit)
VOLVO XC90 23-24 (turbo), VIN H6 (4th and 5th digit)